Bollywood actress Sonam kapoor attacks Baba Ramdev on twitter, Sonam tweeted " I prefer baa baa black sheep over Baba Ramdev". To this tweet one of her fan replied saying " its so rude" to which she retorted "As rude as you should be to a sexiest homophob".
Not only sonam ,but Farah ali khan , wife of Dj Aqeel also took on Baba Ramdev saying " Bored of Baba , a true believer does not run , he stands up to face the heat . Although i believe the police should have not done what they did."
Now looking at their tweets dont we feel that these celebrities are fit for nothing! We know that corruption is a big problem and has to be vanished at any cost, when a person has initiated to take on the corrupt government then its the duty of we citizens of the country , rather than making fun of him. Why dont these celebrities dare to do what he did, why cant they start a movement like him , if they cant then atleast join
him. Acting in a movie , saying good dialogues is not a big deal but starting a movement and taking on the govt that too with a positive approach is a big deal, and hope everyone understands it and support him for the sake of our country.
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